Cliff Edwards, Beloved Founder of the VCU Religious Studies Program Retired After 47 Years

  Author: Brian McNeill, of the Virginia Commonwealth University (VCU) Public Affairs Department. Original web publication date: 7/20/2020 When I saw a notice that the “Beloved” Dr. Cliff Edwards was

A Confederacy of Dunces

Nothing Recedes Like Success*: A Confederacy of Dunces – Part I

I am pleased that Rebecca Jones, co-founder of the VCU Working Titles Book Club, has written the following commentary on John Kennedy Toole’s novel, A Confederacy of Dunces, which was

by Viktor frankl

Man’s Search for Meaning by Viktor Frankel Discussed at the Working Titles Book Club

The Working Titles Book Club, a group of graduate alumnae from Virginia Commonwealth University (VCU) held our second meeting on March 29, 2017.  Our discussion, on Man’s Search for Meaning

Bringing Back on Line___________________!

My apologies to the regular and new readers and subscribers. My site was essentially offline for the last week or so. While I was working with the developers to

Poe’s Importance in the History of Nineteenth-Century Science

I first published this article two weeks ago in the Poe and Science Blog (found under the tab, Museum News) for the Richmond Edgar Allan Poe Museum ( Under an agreement

Poetic Panacea

Poetic Panacea: Final Poems From My Spring 2016 Workshop

Here are the last poems that were written by the senior-aged participants of my ten-week class for retired seniors at the Lifelong Learning Institute in Chesterfield, Virginia. I had taught

Murray Ellison, Aged 68, Receives VCU English Master of Arts Diploma in the Mail Today!

It finally came! After almost three years of going to night-school, part-time, at Virginia Commonwealth University(VCU) in Richmond, Virginia, my Master of Arts in English Diploma finally arrived in the mail today!