Poe and 19th-Century Sciencw

Poe’s First Published Story About a Shipwreck Foreshadows Eureka

Poe’s first published tale, “MS. Found in a Bottle,” (1833) won the Baltimore Visitor first prize for fiction. Poe scholar, Thomas Mabbott, calls it a “masterpiece,” and contends that, “winning

Index to the January through February 2016 New LitChatte.com Blogs

An Index to the First LitChatte Blogs Ever, Written January 19 through February 28, 2016 I introduced the LitChatte.com Blog less than weeks ago and have posted stories and essays on

Murray Ellison, Aged 68, Receives VCU English Master of Arts Diploma in the Mail Today!

It finally came! After almost three years of going to night-school, part-time, at Virginia Commonwealth University(VCU) in Richmond, Virginia, my Master of Arts in English Diploma finally arrived in the mail today!