Adam Moves through East of Eden Like a Ghost

The Ghost of Adam Trask in Steinbeck’s East of Eden

“Young Adam was always an obedient child. Something in him shrank from violence, from contention, from the silent shrieking tensions that can rip at a house.” In this blog on

A Father Gives His Son the Gift of Dog Turd in Steinbeck’s East of Eden

A Modern Re-Telling of the Cain & Abel Story In Steinbeck’s East of Eden’s first modern re-telling of the Cain and Abel story, Charles the second son of Cyrus Trask

cain and abel (1)

Exploring the Universal Wisdom of Steinbeck’s East of Eden – Part I

 Searching for Steinbeck’s Beliefs in His Books In the next series of Litchattte Blogs, I will be considering John Steinbeck’s 1952 novel, East of Eden and the accompanying Journal he