Litchatte Rear-View Mirror, January Thru May, 2016

After graduating from Virginia Commonwealth University (VCU) in December 2015 with a Master’s of Arts Degree in English Literature, I decided to write a blog focusing on literature and poetry.

Helping Baby Boomers to Understand and Support Millennials: Part III

Today’s  blog is a reprint of  “Millennials – Themes in Current Literature,” which Steve Eubanks posted on the internet in August 2006 for “General Release.” Even though it is

Can the Boomers Pass the Baton to the Millennials?

I had been communicating, via Facebook, with a fellow Baby-Boomer, who had been a friend of mine since we were young lads in Philadelphia in the 1950’s. My friend and I,

Index to the January through February 2016 New Blogs

An Index to the First LitChatte Blogs Ever, Written January 19 through February 28, 2016 I introduced the Blog less than weeks ago and have posted stories and essays on

Learning About Life and French with Dr. Lydia Aiken-Wilson

Dr. Lydia Aiken-Wilson states, at the beginning of her Intermediate French class, that she wants her students to translate, from English to French, the African proverb “An old person dying

Me and My Dwone : A Follow up to “Inventing a Drone to Retrieve My Mail?”

This Blog is part II of Stan Nickel’s original article in this Blog, “Inventing a Drone to Retrieve My Mail?”  Editor’s Note: Please don’t ask, this article was not written

Inventing a Drone to Retrieve My Mail?

This article has been reprinted with permissions from the author, Stan Nickel, and from its original publication source, The February 2016, MennoNet Magazine of  The First Mennonite Church of Richmond

Murray Ellison, Aged 68, Receives VCU English Master of Arts Diploma in the Mail Today!

It finally came! After almost three years of going to night-school, part-time, at Virginia Commonwealth University(VCU) in Richmond, Virginia, my Master of Arts in English Diploma finally arrived in the mail today!