Index to the January through February 2016 New Blogs

An Index to the First LitChatte Blogs Ever, Written January 19 through February 28, 2016

I introduced the Blog less than weeks ago and have posted stories and essays on poetry, my poetry workshop at the Lifelong Learning Institute, music (Tony Bennett), Emily Dickinson, Drones, Edgar Allan Poe, French classes, My Blog as an Organic, Free-Range Entity, and my personal reflections. If You have any ideas about future blogs that I should write about, or would like me to consider including a Poem or piece of Flash Fiction that you wrote (or you like) in my LitChatte. Com Blog, please send them to me at in a Copy-Ready M.S. Word Document. I am so appreciative of the new supporters of my Blog,  Especially to KristenWrites @KristenTowe on Twitter. Check out her poetry Blog.

Hello World January 19 Blog Introduction-January 20

Life is a Gift. The Zen of Tony Bennett-January 22

Emily Dickinson: What Precious Mouldering Pleasure? January 26

Poetry in Motion: My Baby Thinks He’s a Train-January 28

Why is the Laughing Rainbow Blue: Poetry Workshop- February 2

Murray, Aged 68, Receives his MA Degree in English-February 4

Inventing a Drone to Retrieve My Mail? By Stan Nickel-February 9

Ode to the Woodchuck: Poetry Workshop-February 10

Iron City: Poetry Workshop-February 10

Poem Starter Lines: Friendships with Men and Birds-February 15

The Whecking of My Dwone by Stan Nickel-February 21

Learning About Life and French-February 27

Walking with Edgar Allan Poe and Science-February 22

Poetry Working: Using Synesthesia-February 23 Index- February 28, 2016


Mia, The Cat, Scouring the Richmond Times-Dispatch for new Stories


Murray Ellison received a Master’s in Education (1973) and in English Literature (2015). He earned a Doctorate in Education in 1987. He is married and has three wonderful adult  daughters. He retired as the Virginia Director of Community Corrections for the Department of Correctional Education in 2009. Currently, he serves as a literature teacher, board member, and curriculum advisor for the Lifelong Learning Institute in Chesterfield, Virginia, and the founder and chief editor of the literary blog, He is also an editor of the “Correctional Education Magazine,” and editing a book of poetry written by an Indian mystic and meditation teacher. Murray also serves a board member and occasional volunteer tour guide, poetry judge, and all-around helper at the Edgar Allan Poe Museum in Richmond Virginia. You can write him at or leave comments on this Blog.



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