Spring 2016 Workshop: Harper’s Ferry and Timothy’s Garden

As Spring was beginning to make its most glorious entrance in Richmond, Virginia, we had our last Poetry Workshop at the Lifelong Learning Institute(LLIChesterfield.org). I am sure that if you have followed my recent posts, you will see that the retired writers poems have become increasingly more powerful and colorful each week. The two poets presented below chose to accompany their poems with photographs.  I am pleased to present the multi-media works of Bob Ferguson, whose poem is the Graves at Harper’s Ferry (Virginia). Bob’s photograph below was taken by his son, Mike Ferguson. Timothy Pace’s poem is Ode to Spring. He took the photo of his Spring 2016 garden that accompanies his poem.

                                                                                               Graves at Harper’s Ferry by Bob Ferguson

What stories of long ago times might those who dwell here tell?

This quiet, green, and peaceful place has put me under its spell.

The old headstones march in a ragged line along the hillside

They cast long shadows across the field where they now abide.

The worn words hint of families’ sorrows, untimely death, and even love.

I wonder at the lives of those now gone and hope they now dwell above.

Who were they?  What if they could speak to us, it would be a thrill,

But I fear they are locked forever in the grasp of the graves dark chill.

They seem so alone, have they been abandoned to rest below this loam?

Were some lost in nearby battles, perhaps fallen far from family and home?

My questions find no answer, they cannot tell me, so I can only pray

May they rest in peace in their meadow, to await God’s glorious new day.


                                                                                                                              Ode to Spring by Timothy Pace


Winter has exhausted its last breath

The ice-cold chill of the morning air has

Given way to bright dawns and blue skies.

And the birds! Oh, the birds!

Their chorus awakens me earlier every day

A cacophony of incessant chirping

Announcing the celebration of spring

The smells of the earth are permeating the fresh air

The first buds of the flowers are breaking surface

Announcing their presence for the entire world to see

….And admire

My step is a little livelier

The day is a little longer

And hotter

The sun is higher in the sky and warms my face

As I organized my deck

In anticipation of the coming explosion

Of colors, that will spread across my deck in the coming months

For as long as the blooms remain on the flowers

For as long as the fresh breath of spring penetrate my lungs

For as long as the new smells of the earth

Tickle my nostrils with fragrances long forgotten

I will remember, I will remember as the spring gives way to the sweltering hot of summer

And the colors of fall replace the vibrancy of the plants

And give way to winter…bleak and cold.

And the long wait begins.

Thru the frigid winter

When once again

The buds of spring crack the soil

And the earth rejuvenates all over again.


Watch for more postings of the last of my Poetry Workshop Poems that I will publish here soon. If you would like to automatically receive all future postings, simply send your email address to me via the dialogue box on the right bottom of any Litchatte.com column. Thanks, Murray!

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